Gluten Free Grains, Flours and Starches Infographic

Gluten-Free Grains Infographic

Ever wonder which grains, starches, and flours are gluten-free? Here’s a cheat sheet to help identify them. Note that some of these grains, such as quinoa or corn, are found in whole form as well as in a starch and/or flour. As always, there can be a risk of cross contamination when it comes to […]

Dairy Substitutions Infographic

Dairy Substitutions Infographic

Many people with celiac disease are also unable to eat dairy. Here’s a cheat sheet so you can easily find alternatives for common dairy ingredients. This list is also helpful for vegans, or for those who are cooking for people with various food allergies or preferences.

Hidden Gluten Infographic

Hidden Gluten Infographic

Gluten is a sneaky protein, hidden in all sorts of foods and other products. Here are some of the places you may find it.    

Gluten 101 Infographic

Gluten 101 Infographic

The word “Gluten” can be easily misunderstood or not understood in the first place. Hopefully this will clear up the confusion!    

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