Furtherfood 450x450

Recommends: Further Food

Collagen is a must in my daily routine. I’ve been taking collagen for years – usually a scoop in my coffee but occasionally I’ll add it to a smoothie or some other drink for a daily dose. I find that it keeps my joints feeling good and my skin looking as fresh as possible. If […]

Ancient Nutrition logo

Recommends: Ancient Nutrition

I know there’s been some hype lately about bone broth and collagen, but I’ve been consuming both those things for years! Admittedly though, I’ve been using them a lot more lately. Both collagen and bone broth have the ability to strengthen your body’s joints, cartilage, and tissues, making them excellent additions to the diet for […]

Great Lakes Gelatin Logo

Recommends: Great Lakes Gelatin

If you’ve been following my blog, you’ll know that over the past year I’ve become more and more dedicated to using collagen daily. I typically start my day with a cup of coffee with a scoop of collagen stirred in – it’s easy, doesn’t change the taste, and ensures I get my daily dose of […]